58 North Road, East Windsor, CT

Our Collection

The Connecticut Trolley Museum has over 70 pieces of rail equipment dating back to 1869. During your visit, you can see historic passenger and freight trolley cars, interurban cars, elevated railway cars, passenger and freight railroad cars, service cars, locomotives, and a variety of other equipment from railways around Connecticut. You will also find examples from Brooklyn, Boston, New Orleans, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Springfield, Lynchburg, Montreal, and even Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.


Restoration Projects

Browse the Collection

Brooklyn, New York

1894 St. Louis Car Co.

Wildwood, New Jersey

1895 J. G. Brill Co.

Springfield, Vermont

1901 Wason Manufacturing Co.

Fair Haven & Westville Railroad Co. 154

New Haven, Connecticut

1902 J. G. Brill Co.

New Haven, Connecticut

1902 J. G. Brill Co.

Connecticut Company 771

1904 Jewett Car Co.

New Haven, Connecticut

1905 J. M. Jones

Manchester, New Hampshire

1905 Laconia Car Co.

Norwich, Connecticut

1906 Wason Manufacturing Co.

Bristol Traction Co. 34

Bristol, Connecticut

1907 J. G. Brill Co.

Bristol Traction Co. 28

Bristol, Connecticut

1907 Wason Manufacturing Co.

Waterbury, Connecticut

1910 Osgood Bradley Car Co.

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

1912 Cia de Transporte Colectivos Co.

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

1912 Cia de Transporte Colectivos Co.

Cleveland Interurban Railroad 1201

Cleveland, Ohio

1914 G. C. Kuhlman Car Co.

Connecticut Company 1739

1918 Wason Manufacturing Co.

Sanford, Maine

1919 American Car Co.

New Orleans, Louisiana

1922 Perley A. Thomas Car Co.

Torrington, Connecticut

1922 Wason Manufacturing Co.

Boston, Massachusetts

1923 Laconia Car Co.

Montreal, Quebec

1924 Montreal Tramways

Springfield, Vermont

1926 Wason Manufacturing Co.

Bristol, Connecticut

1927 Wason Manufacturing Co.

Montreal, Quebec

1927 Wason Manufacturing Co.

Montreal, Quebec

1929 Canadian Car & Foundry Co.

Boston Elevated Railway 3003

Boston, Massachusetts

1941 Pullman-Standard Car Co.

Boston Elevated Railway 3100

Boston, Massachusetts

1944 Pullman-Standard Car Co.

MTA 3333

Boston, Massachusetts

1946 Pullman-Standard Car Co.

NJ Transit 15

Newark, New Jersey

1946 St. Louis Car Co.

Illinois Terminal 451

East St. Louis, Illinois

1949 St. Louis Car Co.

MBTA 3306

Boston, Massachusetts

1951 Pullman-Standard Car Co.

MBTA 3309

Boston, Massachusetts

1951 Pullman-Standard Car Co.

Chicago, Aurora & Elgin Railroad 303

Chicago, Illinois

1906 Niles Car & Manufacturing Co.

Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co. 1500 'Northern'

1909 Niles Car & Manufacturing Co.

Chicago Transit Authority 4436

Chicago, Illinois

1951 Cincinnati Car Co.

Connecticut Electric Railway S-193

Taftville, Connecticut

1895 Ponemah Mills

Iowa Southern Utilities Co. 1

Burlington, Iowa

1896 Stephenson Car Co.

Capital Transit 010

Washington, D.C.

1899 McGuire-Cummings Manufacturing Co.

Connecticut Company 2023

East Hartford, Connecticut

1910 Connecticut Company

Connecticut Company 0206

1910 Connecticut Company

Montreal Tramways W-1

Montreal, Quebec

1912 Brown Hoist Machinery Co.

Centerville Albia & Southern Railway Co. 101

1915 American Car Co.

Springfield, Vermont

1915 J. G. Brill Co.

Ponemah Mills 1386

Taftville, Connecticut

1894 General Electric Co.

Ponemah Mills C

Taftville, Connecticut

1895 Ponemah Mills

Corbin E2

1907 Baldwin-Westinghouse

Oshawa, Ontario

1918 Baldwin-Westinghouse

Hartford Electric Light Co. 1

Hartford, Connecticut

1949 General Electric Co.

New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad 2765

1908 Osgood Bradley Car Co.

New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad 414944


Boston & Maine Railroad

Singer Co. 132


Singer Co. 143


New York, Ontario & Western Railway 8146


Swift Refrigerator Line 25015


Boston & Maine Railroad 76426

1957 Pullman

Chessie System 28853

1959 Pullman-Standard

Broad Brook Section House

East Windsor, Connecticut

New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad

Hartford, Connecticut

1913 City of Hartford

Collection of the Connecticut Antique Fire Apparatus Association

1923 REO



Hose wagon

Aerial ladder truck


1942 GMC/Sealand

Airport crash truck



1948 American LaFrance

Aerial ladder truck

Airport crash truck

1983 GMC

Airport crash truck

Springfield 169

1936 ACF Brill

Model H17S-200

Connecticut Company 351

1939 Yellow Coach

Model 740

Connecticut Company 1172

1948 GMC

Model TDH3610

Connecticut Company 1488

1954 GMC

Model TDH5103

Connecticut Company 2039

1962 GMC

Model TDH4517

Connecticut Railway & Lighting Co. 504

1965 GMC

Model TDH4519A-1572

Connecticut Company 1712

1967 GMC

Rail-bus model TDH5304

University of Connecticut 207

1972 Twin Coach

Model TC-29-25142

Connecticut Transit 608

1979 Grumman

Model 870

Connecticut Trolley Museum